Sunday, January 29, 2012

The History of The Candid Camera

Anyone who knows Sue and I know that we are major cheapskates, although we both have our own ways of saving money. Sue loves to coupon, discount shop, and buy in bulk, while I love to shop thrift stores, garage sales, and cut my own hair!  Some fun information in case you didn't already know!

One of the major reasons we decided to start The Candid Camera was a disappointment with what is available out there in the local photography industry. A few years ago, John and I took our son to JC Pennys. We had a coupon! Unfortunately, the shoot went all wrong.  We had to wait in line.  Liam was tearful and red-faced.  I felt pressure to buy some discounted pictures, only to end up with $100 of pictures that I shared with NO ONE! They were awful. This isn't to knock JC Pennys. They have a great studio and great equipment. Our son was just not cut out for a scary studio shoot.

On the other end of the spectrum is lovely photography where the photographer sets a high price, and I get to choose, for additional costs, prints that she can provide for me. No disc, no photo ownership. High expense, but beautiful, mostly posed pictures. Sue and I are middle class people. I, for one am a social worker and my husband, a teacher. Being the cheapskate that I am, there is no way on earth I am going to plop down 300 bucks on pictures. And I really, truly, value the art of great photography! There will always be a market for that type of photography, and that is fabulous!  I admire it! Some of those pictures are masterpieces!   But for me, and I KNOW for Sue, emotionally, we just can't imagine plopping down that kind of cash, for pictures!

Here at The Candid Camera, our focus is to get OUT of the traditional studio and away from high cost photography. After all, no one lives in a studio. We live in real life, and real life is where we want to capture those special moments, whether it's at your house, at the park, or the playground. We believe that YOU are the owner of your pictures. Great photography should be affordable for EVERYONE. While we do posed shots, (you have to sometimes) we really enjoy those candid moments. Yes, I will run around you like a goof trying to capture that special glance, or smirk, or get the right lighting. Yes, it will be fun. So give us a try. Check us out. Get to know our personalities and our style here on our blog. And then lets take some pictures!


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